Holiday Giving Results
Updated 02/2021:
The year 2020 was like no other, perhaps to be remembered by many households as a time of social isolation, economic hardship, or the loss of a loved one. This lack of control felt by millions is similar to how heart families feel on a daily basis—not knowing what to expect each day. The year added a new level of stress to heart kids, their families, and the Child Life Specialists helping pediatric heart patients in the hospitals.
Since 2006, Angels for Hearts has had the pleasure of delivering Christmas presents to thousands of pediatric heart patients at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco, Sutter Children’s Center, Sacramento and UC Davis Children’s Hospital—all thanks to the generous support of our donors. We want all in-patient heart kids to experience the simple joy of waking up on Christmas morning knowing Santa found them, even in the hospital, and made their wishes come true.
To help illustrate the importance and impact that Angels for Hearts has in our community, read what one heart family had to say:
“The morning of Christmas I awoke to find a huge sack of toys and the sweetest note attached with her name on it. I melted! It was not about the monetary amount…rather the MAGIC that was inside that burlap bag.”
—Amanda Nemeth, Heart Mom while in the hospital Christmas day
Angels for Hearts was not be able to deliver presents in-person in 2020; however, the spirit of Christmas was stronger than ever, and were able to help Santa fill his sleigh. Through the generosity of our community, we are helping the Child Life Specialists provide presents and fulfill the “Wishes, Wants and Needs” of the pediatric heart patients during the holiday season and throughout the year.
And together, we are heading into 2021 with steadfast determination to continue bringing normalcy to pediatric heart patients, their families, and all those we love.
Angels for Hearts Board of Directors
Curt, Kimberly, Patti, Patrice, Dan, Courtney, Mike & Tina
Posted 11/2020:
The year 2020 has been like no other, perhaps to be remembered by many households as a time of social isolation, economic hardship, or the loss of a loved one. This lack of control felt by millions is similar to how heart families feel on a daily basis—not knowing what to expect each day. This year has added a new level of stress to heart kids, their families, and the Child Life Specialists helping pediatric heart patients in the hospitals.
Since 2006, Angels for Hearts has had the pleasure of delivering Christmas presents to thousands of pediatric heart patients at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco, Sutter Children’s Center, Sacramento and UC Davis Children’s Hospital—all thanks to the generous support of our donors. We want all in-patient heart kids to experience the simple joy of waking up on Christmas morning knowing Santa found them, even in the hospital, and made their wishes come true.
Angels for Hearts is a one-of-a-kind organization, filling a void that has never before been filled. Child Life Specialists are pediatric health care professionals who work with children and families in hospitals to help them cope with the challenges of hospitalization and illness. They provide children with age-appropriate preparation for medical procedures and coping strategies. They also provide information, support, and guidance to parents, siblings, and other family members. To help illustrate the importance and impact that Angels for Hearts has in our community, read what one heart family had to say:
“The morning of Christmas I awoke to find a huge sack of toys and the sweetest note attached with her name on it. I melted! It was not about the monetary amount…rather the MAGIC that was inside that burlap bag.”
—Amanda Nemeth, Heart Mom while in the hospital Christmas day
While this year Angels for Hearts may not be able to deliver presents in-person, the spirit of Christmas is stronger than ever, and we need to help Santa fill his sleigh. By making a charitable donation, you will help the Child Life Specialists provide presents and fulfill the “Wishes, Wants and Needs” of the pediatric heart patients this holiday season and throughout the year.
Please donate online or mail a check with this form to: [link to donation form]
Angels for Hearts
3512 Gabilan Way
Sacramento, CA 95821
We request holiday donations by December 31, 2020. Thank you in advance for your generosity and continued support!
Angels for Hearts Board of Directors
Curt, Kimberly, Patti, Patrice, Dan, Courtney, Mike & Tina