They make their own normal.
What we do
Our Programs
Our mission is to bring normalcy to pediatric heart patients ages newborn to 18, both in and out of the hospital. We remind heart kids that first and foremost they are kids before being heart patients. We accomplish this in many ways:

I ♥ Golf
A first-of-its-kind annual series of golf clinics, held at Haggin Oaks Golf Complex, hosted in partnership and affiliation with The Morton Golf Foundation and The Northern California Institute of Golf for Kids. Golf is recommended for heart kids as a safe sport by pediatric cardiologists. For many heart kids, it is the first sport they have ever played.
Wishes, Wants & Needs
Providing discretionary funds and responding to requests from Child Life Specialists at regional hospitals for anything pediatric heart patients and their families may wish, want or need while in the hospital. Our ability to provide these items helps relieve parental stress and aids in the child’s recovery.

Supporting Heart Families: A Simple Gesture with a Big Impact
Many heart families know all too well the experience of being far from home for what was expected to be a simple procedure, only to find themselves facing a more complex situation and an extended hospital stay. During these stressful times, parents often don’t have the convenience of leaving the hospital to grab a change of clothes.
Recently, both heart parents and child life specialists expressed a need for something simple but essential—a comfortable sweatshirt and joggers for parents who might be caught unprepared for these longer stays. While it might seem like a small gesture, having a clean and comfortable set of clothes can make a world of difference in such challenging moments. Everything Angels for Hearts gives or does is an idea from a heart parent/heart angel parent, Child Life Specialists, The Pediatric Cardiologists & Cardiothoracic Surgeons or things Patti and Curt Kaufman wish someone had done for them.
We’re thrilled to be able to meet this need, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of Jessica and her team at All Quality Logos. Together, we’ve been able to provide these clothing sets for heart parents at Sutter Children’s Center Sacramento and Kaiser Women’s and Children’s Center in Roseville. We’re also working to expand this effort to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco in the near future.
Santa’s Wishes
Working with Child Life Specialists to deliver Christmas presents to pediatric heart patients so that they can feel the magic of being a kid on Christmas morning, waking up to see that Santa found them in the hospital at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford (Stanford, Ca), Sutter Children’s Center Sacramento (Sacramento, CA), UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco (San Francisco, CA) and UC Davis Children’s Hospital (Sacramento, CA).

Heart Families Rock
We host an annual “Heart Families Rock” dinner and dance party celebrating heart kids and their families, focusing on how they are heart family strong.
MEdical binders
Many heart families have a shared experience of being in the hospital, sometimes hours away from home, to realize a simple procedure has become very complex and a longer hospital stay is necessary. With medical complexity comes pages and pages of information about your heart child’s condition—information about doctors, medications, care plans, insurance, and so much more. Sometimes parents need to write their own notes, too, and it can be difficult to keep everything organized and manageable.

Angels for Hearts is 100% funded by our generous sponsors and donors.

Villara/DCA Capital Cup 2020
Our own Curt Kaufman, CFO of Angels for Hearts, hit the links in the sixth annual Villara/DCA Capital Cup Golf Tournament, raising $38,000.